Planning and Acquisition

We consider that the planning appraisal is one of the most important and often under-rated planning services provided to clients.
A well-researched and prepared appraisal will set out in an easy-to-read format, the relevant opportunities and constraints applicable to a potential development opportunity.
Planning Appraisal

Our planning appraisals cover all of the relevant issues, with the core services as follows:
Identifying planning policies relevant to a site and/or proposal.
Review of planning history.
Establishment of existing/lawful uses.
Site assessment to identify planning opportunities and constraints
Overview appraisal, identifying key issues.
Comprehensive appraisal covering all planning considerations.
Due diligence reports prior to purchase.
Marketing planning appraisals to promote sites.
Planning strategy advice.
Our Services

WBM work in close partnership with our clients to develop business cases that ensure highly successful change projects.
We can provide a full range of capital and revenue-based business cases, from the simplest options appraisal to an extensive Five Case exercise.
Our work encompasses all stages in the process from strategic to commercial (procurement) and management (delivery) cases. We can also review business cases developed in-house to provide objective challenge, identify gaps and sanity-check your findings.
Business case